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The Markets in a minute

5-9-19 Here’s an updated look at the economy and the Housing Market. Watch to the end for the “last word.”

College Station Real Estate, Bryan Real Estate opportunities abound.  Here’s 6 good reasons to invest in real estate.

The gift that keeps on giving

Not only is property a tangible thing to look at, but renting it out will also put money in your hands every month. Renting helps to generate an ongoing income source and can be part of an overall strategy to begin building wealth. Unlike other investments that need to be cashed in, owning real estate gives you money that you can use in real time (even to pay the mortgage on the property you rent out). After this money accumulates, it can be used to buy other properties and grow your investment portfolio. Also, people will still need homes to rent during times of economic unrest (as they may have trouble buying themselves), so your investment may even pay off in times of overall financial strain.

Holding all the cards

While the appreciation of the value of certain assets depend on external markets, real estate is what you do with it. For example, you may not know if a company you’ve invested in is about to hire a new CEO whose decisions will ultimately drive the price of their stocks down. On the other hand, you can choose where to buy your property, how much you want to renovate it, who you want to rent to, and how much to invest in the upkeep; all of which can determine how good your investment is. In other words, the ability to profit from your real estate investment lies in your hands.

Real estate protects against inflation

Inflation may seem like a dirty word, but for real estate investors searching the Bryan College Station MLS, it can actually be an advantage. While returns on assets like bonds can be undervalued due to inflation, real estate generally keeps pace with it. This is because home and rent values usually increase during times of inflation, matching the rate at which the value of the dollar drops. In fact, inflation can even increase the value of a real estate investment and lower the difficulty of paying back mortgage debt over time (assuming the interest rate on your mortgage is fixed).


We sell real estate in the Bryan and College Station, TX areas and all surrounding counties.  Known as Boom Town Central at Texas A&M University.  You can even find us in the Houston real estate market.  We’re Located in College Station, TX.

We’re here to help you with your HOMEwork!

See you next week!

Myke Leatham
Brazos County Realty:  Broker/Owner
Contact us:  Office 979-693-0201



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