Utility Hookups & Disconnect in the Bryan & College Station, Texas Area
Provided by Brazos County Realty!
Atmos Energy
Atmos Energy
297 N. Earl Rudder Freeway
Bryan, Texas 77802
Phone: (888)286-6700
Gas is usually less expensive to cook and heat your home with. 1-866-322-8667 (866-ECAtmos) or 9-1-1 IF YOU SUSPECT A NATURAL GAS LEAK IN YOUR HOME OR OUTSIDE, LEAVE the area IMMEDIATELY and CALL ATMOS ENERGY from a safe distance.
Bryan Residential Garbage Collection
Bryan Residential Garbage Collection
1111 Waco Street
Bryan, Texas 77803
[email protected]
Phone: (979) 209-5900
phone: (979) 209-5959
WWW.CSTX.GOV (to sign up for service)
Bryan Utilities
Bryan Utilities
205 E 28th St
Bryan, Texas 77803
Phone: (979) 821-5700
Phone: (979) 821-5858
College Station Residential Collection
College Station Residential Collection
College Station, Texas 77845
Go to the website to see your collection day, large bulky pick-up, and recycle pick up.
College Station Utilities
Contact College Station Utilities
310 Krenek Tap Rd
College Station, Texas 77840
Phone: (979) 764-3535
Electric, garbage pick up, and water. Call this number to get the average utility cost per house. For gas, call Atmos.
Texas Propane
Texas Propane
372 Highway 77 N
Rockdale, TX 76567
Phone: 512-446-4949
phone: 800-646-4949
If you live in the country, you may need to fill that propane tank or have it checked!
4114 E 29th St
Bryan, Texas 77802
phone: (877) 694-9474
High-speed internet and cable. Open 24 hours a day. You might consider bundling your services to save a few bucks: Phone, TV, and Internet Other Internet providers.
Texas Drivers License Office
Texas Drivers License Office
1003 N. Earl Rudder Frwy.
Bryan, Texas 77802
Phone: (979) 776-3110
Obtaining Your Driver’s License and Registration. The state requires that new residents obtain a Texas driver’s license within 30 days. Car owners must have their vehicles inspected and registered with the state before they may apply for a Texas driver’s license.
Wellborn Water, Special Utility District
Wellborn Water
4118 Greens Prairie Road
Wellborn, Texas 77881
Phone: (979)690-9799
Fax: (979)690-1260
Mailing address: P. O. Box 250 Wellborn, Texas 77881 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. (Please note the office is closed for lunch 12-1)
Frontier Communications
Frontier Communications
Customer service chat: Online ChatCustomer service: 1 (800) 921-8101
Technical support: 1 (800) 921-8106
Home phone, TV, Internet