Learn, Invest, Repair
LEARN – Find out more about buying and maintaining a home through the City of College Station’s Home buyer Education course. The NeighborWorksAmerica approved .curriculum includes six topics: readiness to buy a home, managing your money understanding credit, obtaining a mortgage loan, shopping for a home and protecting your investment.
This four-day course is $15 for materials (optional) and will be held on Sept. 3, 10, 17, & 24 from 6-7:30 p.m. at College Station Fire Station No. 6. You must attend each session to obtain a certificate. To register, call 979.764.3778 or visit cstx.gov/homebuyer.
INVEST – If you’re interested in purchasing a home in College Station, you may be eligible for down-payment assistance. Qualified buyers may receive a form of a 0 percent interest deferred loan for up to 15 percent of the home’s purchase price. This assistance can be used for down payment, and up to 30 percent can be used for closing costs, to help lower the cost of home ownership for eligible home buyers For more information, call 979.764.3778 or visit cstx.gov/downpayment.
REPAIR – Owner-occupied homes in need of minor but necessary repairs can apply for grants up to $5,000. Eligible repairs include replacement of an air conditioner or heater, plumbing or electrical systems or other minor repairs necessary to ensure safe living conditions.
Eligible homeowners can apply for a partially forgivable and partially low-interest (3 percent), loan for major renovations of owner-occupied homes. Loans of up to $50,000 are available for qualified families. Up to $25,000 of this assistance may be forgivable.
If you are living in a structure that is beyond repair, you may be eligible for the Housing Reconstruction Loan Program. Reconstruction assistance is provided through a partially forgivable and partially low-interest (3 percent), repayable loan of up to $110,000 for the cost to demolish and reconstruct a substandard house. Up to $40,000 of this assistance may also be forgivable. For more housing information, visit cstx.gov/rehab or call 979-764-3778.